Note:You can only have ONE job at a time.
Every Planet(Except Vegeta and Frieza):
Entry level:
Bag boy-50z
Shelf stocker-50z
Intermediate level
Management level
Manager(1 per planet)-125z
Owner(only 1)-150z
Kami sanctuary cleaner-200z(3 total)
Popo's assistant-200z(only one)
Bank Guard: 100z
Guarder of Kami: You must have a Power Level of at least 400,000 to guard the master of a planet. But you will get some rewards-250z(only one)
Capsule Corp. Employee: 100z
Bulma's assistant: 200z (only one)
1st class space soldier:300z (2,000,000+)
2nd class space soldier: 250z (1,000,000+)
3rd class space soldier: 200z (500,000+)
4th class space soldier: 150z (250,000+)
5th class space soldier: 100z (20,000+)
entry level space soldier: 75z (4,000+)
Planetary Patrol: 200z (100,000+)(1 per planet)
Class 1 soldier: 250z (PL of 1,000,000+)
Class 2 soldier: 200z (PL of 500,000+)
Class 3 soldier: 150z (PL of 250,000+)
Class 4 soldier: 100z (PL of 100,000+)
Class 5 soldier: 50z (PL of 7,000+)
Entry level soldier: 25z(PL 4,000+)
King's gaurdian: 325z (PL of 2,000,000+)(only one)(must follow ALL orders under penalty of death)
Gardener: 50z
Elder's Gaurd: 200z (PL of 100,000+)(only one)
1st class space soldier:300z (2,000,000+)
2nd class space soldier: 250z (1,000,000+)
3rd class space soldier: 200z (500,000+)
4th class space soldier: 150z (250,000+)
5th class space soldier: 100z (20,000+)
entry level space soldier: 75z (4,000+)
Planetary Patrol: 200z (100,000+)(1 per planet)
Item finder: 75z
Patroler: 100z
Epererors Gaurd: 150z (PL of 100,000+)(6 total)
Clothes Designer- 100z
Patroler: 125z
Mechanic: 200z
Special Trainer: 100z
Kaioshin's Assistant: 200z
Kaioshin Gaurds: 150z (PL 2,000,000+)
Currently Employed(paid on Fridays):