Here is a list of sites that are either about DBZ or about other anime series.
http://chrisdbzpage.com :This page is what inspired me to make this site but it's closed right now :-(
http://anime100.com: Good source of popular sites, some sites shouldn't be on there but most of them deserve their spot on the list.
http://blackgoku.com: Very good site with LOTS of clips
http://dragonball-gt.com: Pretty good, I'd go here if I were you
http://vegeta.n3.net: Cool layout, go, and go now.
http://www.deadlyanime.cjb.net/: Pretty good, you can tell the guy is working pretty hard
Mobile Suit Gundam Wars-An RPG featuring nearly all the mobile suits ever made,it's incredible. I'm Guncannon, feel free to drop me a line ;)