Battle Rules
Battles are done by email, AIM, chat or the message board. Copy and paste the battle to a word processor then e-mail it to, I will then review it, battles must be reasonable due to pls, moves, hp, etc. If a battle is ridiculously one-sided and you take no damage it will be ignored, also I will e-mail the player that didn't report and make sure that you did fight.
A few rules for battles: You may not battle somebody that is more than 10x stronger than you(because you would get your ass whooped). If you win a battle you get 25% of the loser's base pl. If you lose the battle you get 5% (5-20% if you are a saiyan/half-saiyan) of the winners pl. In the event that more than two characters are involved in a battle (team battle) the pl gains will be based on who defeats and who contributes. The winner can spare the loser or kill him and if you spare him you can get one of his/her items (not a ship or station) or up to three dragon balls from him/her. Also, the winner gets half of the losers money. If you survive a battle your pl is at 75% for 2 days unless you use a senzu bean, go into a regeneration tank, or are a namek, in which case you only rest for one day. Also, while you rest after the battle you can't spar, but you can train and learn new moves.
In a real battle your attacks pl divided by 12 equals how much hp is taken from the target(divided by 16 if your hp is less than 1/2), your current pl divided equals your total HP. Go to Trainers/Ki Guide to see how to calculate an attacks power level.
Also in a battle everyone takes turns, example: you go, I go, you go
In a turn you can use 5 basic moves(moves you came with) attacks that you trained for count as 2 basic moves. Also after each turn either player can put in some dialogue for effect.
When it's the enemy's turn after each of his attacks, you can dodge(no damage) or block(take 1/2 damage) or take the damage(please be reallistic, you can't just dodge the first 8 attacks!).

Blocking and dodging: explained earlier :)