Music Video Remakes
just follow the instructions for Mirc on the main page and you can download them ^_^
Dragula by Rob Zombie 4.95 MB
Alan and I worked for about two hours on this remake, only a day after I had done the original. The theme for this video is Vegeta vs Goku, it includes clips from their first battle, Majin Vegeta vs. Goku and Bebi Vegeta vs Goku. The timing is excellent and most of these clips have NEVER been used(not even in my failed videos). The words go quite well with some of the clips, and as I said the timing is just awesome, the video quality is very high for most of the clips and the sound quality is very high(taken right off hellbilly deluxe). I hope you enjoy this video, the first remake and a video to go down in this sites history.
Ratings: Timing: 4.8/5, Video quality: 5/5, Sound quality: 5+/5