Vegeta and Nappa will soon arrive to destroy the earth and slaughter every living being present, they are extremely powerful, do not take them lightly (for they laugh at your puniness)!!!
They will release sabaimen, each with a pl of 2,000, equal to the number of those present, you will then fight Nappa, then finally Vegeta.
Vegeta pl: 19,000 (Actually this is only his avg, he can power up more(23,000)) (defeated)
Nappa pl: 4,000 (dead)

Namek/Frieza Saga:
Kui PL: 18,000  (dead)
Dodoria PL: 22,000 (dead)
Zarbon PL: 1st: 23,000 2nd: 34,000 (dead)
Guldo: 13,500 (Can freeze time for all but himself as long as he can hold his breath) (dead)
Recoome:  65,000 (good offensive tech.) (dead)
Burter: 62,250 (knows super-speed) (dead)
Jeice: 64,000 (has many ki techniques) (dead)
Ginyu: 120,000 (Can switch body's) (dead)
Frieza (you gain exp from each form)
Frieza (form 1): 530,000
Frieza (form 2): 750,000
Frieza (form 3): 1,200,000
Frieza (form 4): 1,800,000 (dead?)
Cyber Frieza saga:
King Cold: 3,000,000 (Quite dead)
Cyber Frieza: 4,500,000 (Very, very much incinerated)
Android Saga:

Android 19 (energy absorber): 20,000,000
Android 20 (energy absorber, Gero): 12,000,000

Android 17 (conventional): 60,000,000
Android 18 (conventional): 60,000,000
Android 16 (revised conventional): 63,500,000

1st form Cell (Cell series) after absorbing lots of humans: 65,000,000